Before you begin, be sure to wear comfortable clothing that is non-constricting — items that you don’t care about getting dirty (I have a few designated outfits just for my art). You’ll also want to have all your supplies set up ahead of time. Trust me, once your creative flow is in motion, you won’t want to stop to find that paintbrush you just purchased last week.
Once you’re feeling physically prepared to create, you’ll need to get yourself mentally prepared. Here’s how:
- Clear your mind. Yes, you might very well be thinking about all the things you need to get done at some point today, tomorrow or this week (that pile of laundry won’t wash itself after all) but you really need to clear your mental slate to make room for creative inspiration and risk taking.
- Stay in the moment. Avoid the temptation to give up if you just aren’t feeling it or if your favorite Netflix show seems to be calling your name. Try regulating your breath, and listening to music that isn’t distracting, but supports your creative focus. Stress-reducing techniques such as these (and other suggestions you can check out here) can really help your focus.
Now you’re ready to just create. Don’t think, just do. Freely approach your creative piece without preconceived notions. Be free to experiment. Try one new technique that you never imagined doing before.
When you feel ready to wrap up your creative session (this decision could even be based on a pre-determined length of time), try not to judge what you just worked on. Put it aside and see what you think in a couple of days, or a couple of weeks. And when you feel comfortable, share your work with others.
Remember, the act of creating is a reward in itself.