How to Create a Professional Artist Website

So, you have been pursuing your art for a long time now. Or, maybe you have just started. Either way, you have a passion for creating. And now the world needs to see it!

Here are a few simple steps to get you started with creating a professional artist website and selling your artwork.

  1. Buy a unique domain name. Go to and search to see if your preferred domain is available. You could search for your first and last name or combine your name with the type of art that you create.
  2. Build your site. There are plenty of free ways to build a site with no coding skills. The one that I recommend is If you agree to display the Wix logo, Google hosts your site for free. Another good resource is, but that does have a monthly fee. Or, build your site in if you have some coding skills.
  3. Create an “About” page. This is a place to talk about your passion for art and describe your journey. Keep it professional.
  4. Add a “Blog” page. Here is a great opportunity to talk about your process and find followers. Create an option for followers to pin your art to Pinterest to help expand your following.
  5. Post testimonials. Already sold some work? Ask those collectors if they are willing to give you a quote that you can add as a testimonial to your website. It is important to build and maintain your reputation.
  6. Sell your art. Add several art pieces that you have available for sale. There are a variety of  methods for selling your art, but a few that come to mind are: eBay, Etsy,, Artfire, and Amazon. Do you have more to add to the list? Comment below and let us know! And, don’t forget you can always sell art directly from your site itself.
  7. Promote yourself. Remember that promoting your art and getting it seen by your target audience is important. Create business cards that include your new domain name. Develop your 5 minute elevator pitch. And take advantage of the network that you already have established. You would be surprised how word of mouth advertising can help you when collectors are pleased with the art and service they receive from you.

Creating your artist website, building an email list, sending out a newsletter, blogging, and regularly posting to social media will not only help your business prosper, but will also get you additional sales on third-party sites as well. Have any other tips or tricks to share about building an art following and getting art sales? Let us knowin the comments below.